samedi 1 janvier 2011

The First Post

I didnt had much time to think what would be my first post, or about what, my phisolosphic background had immediate response,
first post is first cause, of this continues letters appears one after one in this screen, in front of me and you, the first cause of a word,
the first cause of a language,
the first cause of  blogging,
the first cause of blogspot,
the first cause of google,
the first cause of world wide web,
the first cause of internet,
the first cause of communication,
the first cause of electricity,
the first cause modern industrial technological revolution,
the first cause of politic systems,
the first cause of economic systems,
the first cause of a human,
the first cause of an animal,
the first cause of a tree,
the first cause of a planet,
the first cause of our discovered universe,
the first cause of our undiscovered universe and dark matter and enigmes, the hidden part of the partly shown.

the first cause of seconds in my clock and in yours one after one, clak clak clak, untill the big bang what was the first caue of that little smallest tiny micro-bang, that started a big bang, a big life, a big human civilization, wherever you go by your imagination there is a chaine of causes hidden behind pieces of this amazing human civilization, that is based on LIFE,

You probably heard about this philosophic battle and subject, The first cause, since my  way and style is to simplify my thoughts and ideas to my readers, lets get things more simple, If you can as it is sometimes not easy to simplify, but only when it is already simple, we have an old saying

Simplify the simple, make it complicated
Anyway, how to simplify the idea of the first cause, just giving exemple, of pieces of dominoes

Isnt a bit obvious, who arranged the pieces, is-who wanted-and kicks the first one in manner so the rest of the chaine fall following a given path and rythm, the first kick is what similar in the exmple to the first cause, this first piece kick, generated how many pieces kicks pieces, those are small and little kicks, but arent first kick.

To be continued ...

Hello Readers

Hello and welcome in my personal blog

Where I will blog about my thoughts, life, my personal impressions about this amazing planet and life I am experiencing, I ll try my best to be update it, It is not the first time I blog, I have actually many blogs, but no one is personal, all for professional and educational purposes, I had my personal blog years ago, hosted in netfirms with my personal domain, but due to some financial issues, I canceled it, Imported it in wordpress blogging platform, I ll try to package my old postings here in blogspot, I think it is easy to use.

What will you expect to read in my blog, Well, If you ever been wondered or curious about how a human thinks and lives in a corner of this planet, nowadays, You ll read her a Human experience in new media age.

Thats for now, and blogging is to be continues..